Mistaken Identity Claim in PFF


Locating the yellow or red card to appeal

To display all the 'Red & Yellow Cards' associated with your club you click 'Discipline' from the side menu.  Select the yellow or red card you want to appeal from the list.  

PLEASE NOTE: If the card you want to appeal is not on PFF you must email JudicialServices@TheFA.com to notify them of your claim before the applicable deadline.  Please refer to The FA Handbook for the applicable deadlines.

Notifying the claim and starting the submission process

A countdown to the deadline to notify The FA of a claim will be displayed in the case.  In order to notify The FA that a claim will be made select 'Submit Claim'. 

You will be asked to confirm which claim you are lodging and confirmation of the fee should your claim be unsuccessful will be displayed.  If it is a yellow card then only 'Mistaken Identity' will be available.

Providing the evidence

You can now drag & drop your claim evidence files into the 'Claim Evidence' window.  You must also confirm the player who should have been awarded the card from the drop down list.  A timer is displayed counting down to the deadline to submit your evidence.

All uploaded evidence can be downloaded, deleted or the file name's edited prior to submission.

Submitting the claim

Once you are satisfied that all the evidence you wish to submit in support of the mistaken identity claim has been uploaded and is listed in the 'Uploaded Evidence' section, you can submit your claim to the Judicial Services department at The FA by clicking 'Submit Claim Evidence'.

You will be asked to confirm that your claim is ready for submission to The FA.

If submitted correctly the claim status will display 'Pending Resolution'.

The decision

Once the claim has been determined by a Regulatory Commission the claim status will reflect whether it has been 'Upheld' or 'Dismissed' and the details of the Regulatory Commission will be displayed.  A decision letter will also be available to download.  The card will then be listed against the correct player and the previously incorrect player also displayed within the case details.

The card will then be displayed against the correct player within the club's 'Discipline' section along with the details of the claim and the players' individual records will reflect the amendment if the claim is upheld.

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